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How to Kiss a Boy for the First Time in School

You may feel nervous to kiss a boy for the first time, but it is not a difficult task. Our first kiss is often the most eagerly anticipated and the also the scariest moment of our lives. We want the moment to be fantastic, but yet worry as to whether it will be equally good for our partner. You can also read how to give a hickey? on our website. The important things to kiss a boy for the first time are as follows:

8 Tips to Kiss a Boy for the First Time in School

How Kiss a Guy for the First Time in School

1.) Pick the Right Moment to Kiss a Boy for the First Time

To kiss a boy, the most important part of the entire kissing process is to ensure that the moment and the lead up to the moment is correct. You must ensure that your partner is in the same place as you and that the moment is just right to make your move. The topic of conversation prior to the move must be something funny or romantic and should not relate to work or each other’s family. Nothing mundane. Talking about the right matters before the move makes all the difference in setting the mood.

2.) Perfect Place to Kiss a Boy for the First Time

The place where you choose for your first kiss to happen is also important. If you think that the second date is the right time to initiate that first kiss, then you must encourage your partner to make sure that the place for that date is somewhere quiet. For instance if the date is at a loud football game with thousands of people shouting and then you both go straight home after that, then no kiss is going to take place. That is pretty sure. So the date must be either in a romantic movie or maybe at a quiet place after dinner.

3.) Set up the Mood to Kiss a Boy for the First Time

This is an important step to kiss a boy. Once the mood is set, then it’s all a question of timing. Once there is not too much of the conversation going on between you two, then sliding over closer to your partner is how to begin. Sliding over close all in one go is never a smart idea. Getting closer bit by bit whilst talking, is the smart way to proceed. Then, once the moment is right and you are close enough, then you can make your move. When there is a bit of a break in the conversation, then you can slide in close to your partner and make a move for the kiss.

4.) Move in Opposite Direction to Kiss a Boy for the First Time

Now comes the crucial part, it’s important that while kissing both of you move in opposite directions. What I mean is that your noses must not get in the way. This may seem funny, but this happens quite often to first timers. Moving in opposite directions clears the way for your lips to meet, so that you can have that perfect first kiss.

 5.) Be Hygienic to Kiss a Boy for the First Time

A few pointers before you embark on that first kiss would be to make sure that you brush your teeth properly before the date and also take a mouth freshener just after eating on that date. The smell of garlic in your breath can definitely drive away your partner before the kiss even occur. Also, eating light at the date might also be the smart way to go. Kissing someone with a full, heavy stomach might not be the most pleasant experience. Also too much of saliva in the kiss is also not something your partner might overly appreciate. So this may be something that you may want to watch out for.

6.) How Long Should you Kiss a Boy for First Time

The question may also arise how long you go on for in the kiss? The kiss cannot continue forever. Once it begins initially, how long do you wait before you pull away? I think the girl should always have the first mover advantage in that regard. Maybe after ten to fifteen seconds, as the girl, you can pull away, without insulting your partner in any way.

7.) Relax While Kissing a Boy for the First Time

Your kiss will be pleasurable only if you are comfortable. Keep everything out of your mind at that moment to enjoy it at its best.

8.) Play with Your Hands

Don’t be afraid while caressing your partner’s key areas. You can play with his hair while kissing.
Other Tips to Kiss a Boy for the First Time
  • Don’t take tension or stress while kissing him.
  • Be comfortable with your partner.
  • Start with touching each other and small pecks on cheeks.
  • Keep your eyes closed while having a passionate kiss.
  • Be soft, gentle and natural.
  • Make sure that your mouth is fresh and clean & not having bad breath.
  • Keep makeup to a minimal while kissing.
  • Don’t be hasty while kissing else it would send out false signals.
So that covers all the important things you need to know to kiss a boy. Just remember that it is all in the timing. If the mood is right and the conversation is appropriate and then just make your move. Best of luck!!
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About Sant Mat Gyan


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