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How to Use Lemon for Acne and Acne Scar Treatment?

How you can use lemon for acne and acne scar treatment? Acne is an inflammatory skin malady caused by the excess development of oil in the sebaceous organs. At that point the organs get to be obstructed and tainted by causing acne and its symptoms, particularly on the face and other body parts.
Lemon is extremely mainstream, natural and modest home remedy for acne when contrasted with different cures. It additionally has numerous other additional profits as opposed to curing acne and it smells enormously. Lemon contains numerous properties like antibacterial, astringent, citric acid, acidic operator, solid antioxidant, skin lightening, vitamin C, exfoliate properties which cures acne completely furthermore prevents the acne scars.
Use Lemon for Acne and Acne Scars Treatment
How Lemon Really Treats Acne?
Lemon contains anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties which help to battle against the bacteria that causing acne furthermore support up your insusceptible framework to avoid future assault of acne.
A pundit acid substance in the lemon acts as synthetic exfoliant which removes the dead cells (which stop up pores that bring about contamination and disturbance) on the top layer. It likewise acts as natural compound peel to dispose of the acne.
It likewise contains natural astringent property which helps to therapist and tighten i.e. it pushes out the excess oil and soil from the pores and psychologist them for not to allow any earth or bacteria to enter into the skin pores and obstruct them.
It contains mild dying influence that helps to reduce the redness and inflammation that caused by the acne. It likewise has skin lightening property that causes your skin less obvious for acne and its scars by lightening your skin tone.
It is brimming with vitamin C which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to battle against the free radicals causing inflammation in the skin and afterwards breakouts.

How to Apply Lemon for Acne Treatment?

Lemon could be applied from numerous points of view to treat acne. Give us a chance to see these diverse routines that cure acne effectively.
Method – 1: Lemon For Overnight Acne Treatment
  • Take a fresh lemon and squeeze it to extract its juice in a small container
  • Wash your face with mild soap and warm water before applying the lemon juice.
  • At that point take a cotton ball or Q-tip and dip it in the lemon juice and wring out the excess liquid.
  • Presently apply this cotton ball directly on the acne affected part of the skin.
  • Continue making the process of dipping the cotton ball and apply it on the acne affected part until it blankets the whole affected area.
  • Hold up for overnight. Lemon juice to dry out on your skin and rinse the area with cool water and pat dry with the towel.
  • Regularly repeat the process for a day to eliminate the acne or acne scars.
  • Additionally, just you can rub the half cut lemon piece on the acne affected area of the skin.
Remedy – 2: Rose Water and Lemon for Acne
  • Cleanse your face with mild soap and water and pat dry.
  • Take equal quantities of lemon juice and rose water in a mixing bowl. Rose water is blessed with  natural antibacterial properties, skin lightening furthermore helps to reduce the acidic nature of the lemon.
  • Mix it well and take a cotton ball.
  • Dip the cotton ball totally in the solution and squeeze the excess liquid.
  • Apply this ball directly on the acne affected area and let it stay for around 15 – 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it with cool water and dry your skin with dry towel.
  • Repeat the same process for on more than one occasion a day to dispose of the acne soon.
Method – 3: Yoghurt and Lemon for Acne
  • Wash  your  face carefully  with a  mild face wash  and water.
  • Take a lemon juice in a bowl and add a little measure of yogurt (relieving effect over inflammation).
  • Mix both the ingredients well and apply this on your face or acne affected area of the skin by utilizing your fingertips or cotton ball.
  • Let it on for a few minutes to get dry and afterward wash it off with water.
  • Repeating this process regularly will helps a considerable measure in treating the acne and its scars.
Method – 4: Unboiled Milk and Lemon for Acne
  • Mix the juice of one fresh lemon with a cup of unboiled milk.
  • Stir the solution to make it  a fine liquid.
  • Utilize this liquid to wash your face consistently to avoid the acne issue.
Method – 5: Sea Salt and Lemon Lemon for Acne
  • Firstly, wash your face with a non-peeling cleanser and pat dry with a towel.
  • Take a teaspoon of lemon juice and add enough ocean salt to make like a paste.
  • Very Gently scrub your face around the  acne affected area for around 15 seconds – 1 moment (relies on upon the skin sensitivity).
  • Allow the solution  to sit for a few minutes and then  remove the scrub thoroughly with warm wash material.
  • Apply some delicate toner and after that moisturizer to reduce the stinging.
  • The process is to be repeated for on the double or twice a week to get clear the acne.
Method – 6: Baking Soda and Lemon for Acne
  • Take a teaspoon of lemon juice along with  a teaspoon of baking soda, which is rich in  anti inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Baking soda also helps to adjust the pH level of your skin.
  • Mix both the ingredients exceptionally well and cleanses your face with this paste to gently exfoliate sodden and dead skin cells.
  • Finally, rinse it with lukewarm water to remove the acne completely and continue doing this process for 2 – 3 times each week.
Method – 7: Cinnamon and Lemon for Acne
  • Take a small bowl and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon which acts as an antioxidant in killing the destructive bacteria that causes acne.
  • Mix it well in that bowl to make a thick paste and apply it on the acne affected part of the skin.
  • Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes or for overnight and after the time is finished, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • However verify that this process causes some blazing sensation (more for sensitive skin holders) while wiping out the bacteria.
Remedy – 8: Aspirin and Lemon for Acne
  • Take a fresh lemon juice and break down 7 non covered pills of aspirin. Aspirin  is an anti inflammatory containing  c salicylic acid that helps  deal in curing the acne by killing the bacteria in your skin pores and reduces the redness.
  • Combine all the elements to make a paste  and apply this paste directly on the acne affected part like a mask.
  • Allow  the paste dry for 6 minutes before washing  it off with the wet cotton ball that is dipped in the baking soda solution (baking soda mixed with water).
  • Finally, rinse it with water and pat dry with a clean towel.
Remedy – 9: Chickpea and Lemon for Acne
  • Mix one teaspoon of chickpea flour and juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a bowl.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it well to make it like a fine paste.
  • You can utilize enough milk or water past lemon juice while making it like a fine paste.
  • Apply this to your face or the affected part of the skin and let it be on for a few minutes.
  • Wash your face with warm water and dry it by utilizing dry and clean towel.
  • Finally, apply moisturizer relying upon your skin sort to prevent the acne.
  • You can additionally attempt the blends of lemon and different ingredients (like fruit juice, vinegar, aloe Vera, honey, lavender oil, olive oil, tea tree oil, olive oil, green tea and so on.) which have the same aforementioned process. Attempt all the above routines according to your accessibility of the ingredients which are sheltered, basic and effectively accessible solutions for preventing acne.
Lemon Toner for Acne:
Lemon acts as astringent and additionally cleanser for the skin. It helps to treat effectively  even skin tone and  breakouts of acne by killing the germs.
  • Take fresh, natural lemons and squeeze its juice (without any seeds) until you get 1/4 cup of immaculate lemon juice for the glass flask or container that you kept to store the toner.
  • Pour  the  juice in glass container and afterward add 1/4 cup of water (equal degrees of water and lemon juice) in that glass container
  • Mix it together and keep it in an icebox to store for around one month
  • Utilize this regularly to get relief from the acne furthermore to have a brighter skin tone.
How to Use Lemon for Acne Scars?
Lemon acts as natural blanch which removes the dull acne scars & blemishes it by lightening them.
It contains ascorbic acid (citric acid) which executes the skin inconvenience bacteria, a significant element for the purification and it stops the formation of new pimples and lighten the acne scars by lighting up your skin tone. The juice of a lemon  is acidic in nature and has a low amount of pH, which will exfoliate your skin naturally and controls the excess skin oiliness.
How about we perceive how to apply the lemon juice for acne scars.
Method – 1:
  • Most importantly, wash your face with a facial cleanser and pat dry with a towel
  • Squeeze out the lemon juice in a small container and take a cotton ball.
  • Apply the solution on the affected part of your face with a cotton ball
  • Let it rest on your skin for 12 hours.
  • In the morning, wash your face with a facial cleanser and continue doing the process.
  • In the event that you have sensitive skin or on the off chance that your skin causes aggravation or tingling by redness, then dilute it by adding some measure of water or rose water.
Method – 2:
  • Mix  cucumber juice and rose water  and lemon juice in equal parts.
  • Mix all the ingredients to make a natural solution
  • Apply this on the affected area of your facial skin
  • Leave it like this for 10 minutes  and wash it off with the help of cold water
  • Proceeding with this process will helps to dispose of the acne scars rapidly.
Method – 3:
  • Beat lemon juice along with equal quantity of egg whites in a bowl.
  • Use this mixture on your acne and let it sit overnight on your scars.
  • Rinse it off with water in the following morning and repeats this mask regularly to get  clear the acne scars furthermore to light up your skin.
Method – 4:
  • In a bowl take a few drops of lemon juice and mix it with honey and mint leaves.
  • Apply this on the acne scars and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face or applied area with water and the process must be repeated at any rate twice a week to get acne scars clear skin.
Lemon Peel for Acne:
Lemon contains acidic property that helps to eliminate the excess oil on the face, which is the primary driver for acne. Lemon peel is a natural skin lightener which helps to even your skin tone and removes the tan. The lemon acid will break up the dead skin cells and pushes new skin cell development that is fresh and light in shade.
  • Take a lemon peel and dry it under the sun for a few minutes.
  • Grind it to make a fine powder and add water to make it like a paste.
  • Apply this on your face or acne scars inclined area and leave it for a few minutes
  • Wash your face with ordinary water and after that repeat it regularly for more than once a week to have acne scars clean skin.

Lemon Juice for Cystic Acne:
Lemon has natural astringent and antibacterial properties. It acts as an exfoliant that helps to remove dead skin cells quicker and prevent stepped up pores to give relief from cystic acne.
  • Wash your face with mild soap and lukewarm water.
  • Take a fresh lemon and cut into half
  • Add the juice of  half a lemon into a bowl (add rose water or water to dilute the acidic nature of the lemon and this is solely utilized for sensitive skin holder)
  • Dip some muslin cloth into that lemon juice.
  • Apply it directly to the cystic acne affected area of the skin and make a point to dip the ball and apply it completely.
  • Allow the juice to sit for 10 – 15 minutes or until it dries completely.
  • Wash your face with a mild soap.
  • Continue applying lemon juice on affected part for a day to eliminate the cystic acne.

Lemon Balm for Acne:
Lemon balm leaves are astringent and anti-bacterial in nature which helps to cleanse the skin pores and reduces the formation of pimples, zits,  acne, and so on. Lemon balm contains rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that is known to have a healing  effect on finishing and this acid will helps to reduce the oil generation to clean the acne. Like  contash lemon it also contains  anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling and redness that accompany acne episodes.
You can utilize the lemon balm within any way, i.e. either as a tea, spilling oil in the steam to breathe in it or another supplement form to get relief from the acne.
In any case verify that youthful kid, pregnant and bosom encouraging moms ought not take this balm. Additionally quit taking, in case you’re oversensitive to it.

Lemon and Sugar Scrub for Acne:
Lemon is rich in vitamin C, antioxidant, antibacterial, and so on, which helps to prevent the acne and reduces the scars. Sugar will exfoliate your skin by uprooting the dead skin cells and unclog your skin pores to eliminate the acne.
  • Mix sugar with the juice of a fresh lemon.
  • Take a cotton pad and mix it with the lemon juice.
  • At that point put a little natural sweetener on that cotton pad and spill a few drops of lemon on it.
  • Wash your face with warm water, which helps to extend the skin pores.
  • Take that cotton pad and rub it back gently on your face by concentrating on the critical areas like temple, button, nose, neck and so forth were most uncovered part of the skin in the presence of blemishes, pimples and zits. In any case avoid the area around the eyes.
  • Scrub your face for at any rate couple of minutes. Change the cotton pad, if important.
  • Finally, rinse your face with warm water and apply a toner and moisturizer.
  • Repeating the process regularly will profit you in curing the acne and to diminish its scars.

Lemon Mask for Acne:
Lemon juice contains rich in vitamin C and other natural acids, solid astringent and antibacterial properties to get clear of acne.
Method – 1: (Tomato, Oats and Lemon for Acne)
  • Take 2 tablespoons of oats and spread it with water. These oats help to reduce the measure of the pores and make it smooth. It likewise reduces the redness and age spots.
  • Take a tomato and cut it into half and scratch within, disposing of the skin for both parts. This tomato reduces the sebum and prevents acne.
  • At that point squeeze the mash of the tomato in the bowl of oats (strained from water) by discharging more juice as could be allowed and dispose of the mash.
  • Put all this mixture in a blender and add a teaspoon of lemon juice in it and mix it by adding little water to it.
  • Presently wash your face with warm water and let it dry with a towel
  • Let your face soak up the goodness of this mask  for 20 – 25 minutes
  • Wash your face and keep repeating the process for better results.

Method – 2: (Honey and Lemon for Acne)
  • Add a teaspoon full of honey into a small bowl.
  • Squeeze half a lemon to extract its juice furthermore add a little bit of ground lemon zits into it.
  • Mix it very well and then wash your face thoroughly, Proceed to steam it for a few minutes or dip a thick towel in boiling hot water and spot it on your face for 4 minutes.
  • Tie your hair with a band and afterward gently rub the mask  with a begin from the oily skin and blemishes.
  • Let it sit on your face for around 30 minutes and then wash it off with frosty water and pat dry your skin.
  • This process helps to make your skin clearer and brighter as the lemon will exfoliate the skin and reduces the event of acne. Honey will saturate the skin
  • Following this process for a week will give better comes about.

Method – 3: (Egg Whites and Lemon for Acne)
  • Take one crude egg and separate the egg white.
  • Beat some egg whites and add a few drops of lemon.
  • Apply the mixture on  your face and rinse it off once it has dried up.
  • Allow it to stay on for around 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it with cool water and after that apply a decent moisturizer.
  • Follow up the process regularly to dispose of the issue.

Lemon Essential Oil for Acne:
Lemon essential oil contains good antiseptic, antibacterial, and astringent properties it acts as a disinfectant that helps to prevent the blemishes when applied on the acne spots. Utilize this oil within skin tonics, steam treatments, flaw salves, and so on. Thus, it is generally to have a lemon oil helpful as it prevents the acne blemishes as well as cut down the draining from the cuts and wounds, supports in better processing.

Which sort of Lemon is best for Acne Treatment?
Continuously utilize a fresh, delicious lemon within the treatment of acne why because it contains all the powerful properties which are exceptionally essential in curing the acne. It’s generally suggested to utilize lemon however, not lime that excessively succulent and fresh one.
Is Lemon Water supportive in the Treatment of Acne?
Yes, obviously drinking lemon water will be gainful in curing acne. The primary element in lemon water is lemon juice, which contains brimming with vitamin C (likewise called as L-ascorbic acid) which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to secure the cells and tissues from free radicals of your skin and body. These free radicals are precarious oxygen atoms that harm cells and tissues and cause inflammation lastly prompt acne. Along these lines, incorporating lemon water in your eating regimen is essential, however verifying that a lot of drinking can bring about symptoms.
It’s prescribed to drink half glass of water with the juice of half a lemon piece and when mixed it ought to have a shady appearance. Keep in mind to drink this as a first thing with a vacant stomach in every morning to dispose of the acne and its symptoms.
  • You need to follow these safeguards while curing the acne with lemon to have a safe treatment why because lemon is citric and it bothers on the off chance that you have sensitive skin.
  • In case you’re a first time client then don’t apply lemon directly on the affected part. You need to dilute it and have a skin test and after that apply this on your acne affected part.
  • In the event that you have sensitive skin, then unquestionably you need to dilute the lemon juice with other ingredients as specified above in 1:1 degree.
  • Avoid lemon juice around your eyes and anything happens like that, then instantly rinse your eyes with cool water.
  • Lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to sunlight. Thus, avoid sun exposure or wear sunscreen to prevent the effect of sun on your skin.
  • In the event that you have a hanging sensation which causes redness and inflammation then quickly wash it off with frosty water.
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