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Get a Guy to Like You Fast in School / College

You are a girl and not getting the enough attention from the opposite sex? So what do you think is something wrong with you? Let’s look at our quick tips on how to get a guy to like you fast in school / college or even at work.

Tips to Get a Guy to Like You Fast in School / College / Work

Get a Guy to like You Fast in School College

1.) Confidence is the Key to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

This is an important trait to get a guy to like you. Show this person how awesome you are. Build your confidence if it is sorely lacking. You do not have to be loud, arrogant, or chatty for that. It just means getting a place where you feel comfortable.
You can be sweet, secure, and humble at the same time. Guys like interesting, confident girls who lead their own lives.

2.) Look Your Best to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Don’t be fake; make an effort to look your best around the guy you like. Guys are visual creatures, looking your best will simply be in your favor. When you look your best, feel your best, it gives you the confidence you need.
A little make-up is nice, clear mascara opens your eyes; lip-balm enhances your smile, and trim the nightmare eyebrows. Dress in comfortable clothes. Don’t squeeze yourself into a skirt if that’s not your usual style. A fitting pair of jeans and a top that brings the color of your eyes is safe but striking combo.
Smile a lot to look prettier, as well as friendlier and more approachable.

3.) Be Friendly to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Talking to him is not the easiest things to do, even if you are his friend, but it is a must. If you’re in his form/class and you sit next to him, then just start by saying “Hi”. Talk about simple things like something that happened earlier in class. If you know what bands/music he likes, ask him to recommend some. When you can talk to him easily, try to become his friend.

4.) Make it Clear That You are Available to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

If you have a Facebook account and he is not in your friends list, invite him; make sure your status is single. Make it obvious by hanging out in a place where you know he’ll be, dropping hints etc.

5.) Tease Him to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Emphasis on a little. Guy does not like a girl who is too nice, or who is too mean. Playfully make fun of him once. Pretend to be upset for a while, and if he apologizes for something stupid, laugh at him as a kidding manner.

6.) Be flirty to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Touch him in cute ways like feeling the material of his clothes. Once you get closer and hold hands, use a firm grip. Stroke the side of his hand by using your thumb. Get close to his face and without kissing continue your conversation, he will go wild.

7.) Compliment Him, But Rarely to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

This keeps him on his toes, and makes it more special. Only compliment him if you think of something specific like he is good at reading your emotions, brings out his eyes and you cannot stop staring.

8.) Be a Good Listener to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

If he does not talk about something, don’t pressure/ask too much, but tell him you’re there for him. When he talks to you, don’t interrupt, and be understanding.

9.) Text Him to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Don’t text him more than a couple a week, or you could look desperate. Once in a day, when you’re texting each other don’t text back for a few hours, then text back saying sorry and give a flirty or vague reason.

10.) Keep Make-up to Minimum to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Every Guy wants her girl to be naturally beautiful and attractive. Use little makeup on your eyes and lips to keep it subtle.

11.) Smell Good to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

You need to smell good if you want to draw a guy’s attention towards you. Apply some floral or fruity perfume. Guys love when you smell great.

12.) Avoid Any Sorts of Tricks to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

Remember, if two minds think alike, they will surely click. So, avoid playing any kinds of tricks to attract your guy towards you. A relationship is built on trust and loyalty. Your deception might not be fruitful in the long run.

13.) Ask Him Out to Get a Guy to Like You Fast

If you are going to ask him out, do it yourself. That makes him feel that you do not want to be around him. Ask him for his number.
Other Tips to Get a Guy to Like You:
  • Never send out mixed signals or emote mixed feelings.
  • Always smile while socializing with a guy.
  • If a guy doesn’t show any sign of interest in you then that doesn’t mean he is not interested. He might be a shy guy or he hasn’t dated before.
  • Ensure that the guy you are interested in is single.
  • Start with a friends tag and know his likes and dislikes before keeping a step forward.
  • Don’t get jealous if he is talking to some other girl.
  • Be friendly with his friends to know him more.
  • Don’t stalk him.
  • Don’t be sad if he rejects you as it is not end of the world.
  • Notice his smiles towards you as this may be a good sign.
  • Don’t rush to any conclusion. Take time to choose a guy.
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About Sant Mat Gyan


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