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Turning grey can make you look dapper but certainly not at 25! Even a streak of white at this age is distressing. Blame it on your lifestyle, genes, or stress, premature graying is just invincible. With youngsters as its victim, this problem just alleviates when they try to quell it completely.

If you are also witnessing white strands at 25, first of all, know the probable causes. Perhaps, it will become easier to wipe them out of your scalp by finding a proper solution.

How It Happens?

You can also call it the salt and pepper factor. When salt becomes more evident than pepper on your scalp, it makes you feel older. Actually, hair is colored by the pigment called melanin. More the melanin, the darker is your hair and vice versa. Your hair starts turning grey, or rather transparent, when this process slows down. It is a phenomenon taking place with growing age. But many people in their early 20s are now victimized by premature graying.

What Are The Causes?

It is important to find out the real cause of your premature hair graying. After all, this is your only chance to stop it right away.

Causes Of Grey Hair At 25:

Listed below are some of the prominent causes commonly related to grey hair at an early age of 25.

1. Genetic Impact:

Most of the dermatologists claim that graying at 25 may be attributed to your genetics. If your parents or grandparents had premature graying, you are always at a greater risk of experiencing the same. There are some evidences for this cause, although, it is not the conclusive one.

2. Medical Causes:

Yes, they can cause gray hair too! It has been proven that sometimes chronic cold, chronic constipation, anemia, or problems with thyroid gland can also cause this disheartening problem. In fact, hyperthyroidism is one of the main factors for graying. The condition may worsen with radiation and chemotherapy. Apart from all these severe medical conditions, vitiligo also results in premature gray hair. When pigment cells are damaged under your skin, this drastic situation will happen.

3. Deficiency Of Nutrients:

Believe it or not, graying at 25 may be caused by your imbalanced diet as well. If you are cutting down the intake of Vitamin B12, iodine, copper, iron, proteins, amino acids, and folic acids, you are exposing yourself to hair graying at an early age. Faulty diet causes nutritional imbalance in the body. This eventually shows effect upon your hair.

4. Excessive Usage Of Chemicals And Electronics:

If you are regular at applying concentrated hair dyes, your hair may have to suffer the loss. The same applies to frequent users of electric hair dryers and irons. Any kind of hair abuse is simply unacceptable for robust hair color and lustrous dark tresses. Poor scalp conditioning may also aggravate your problem.

5. Smoking Addiction:

In some studies, it is concluded that active smokers also tend to experience this problem in their 20s. In comparison to non smokers, they have higher risks of hair turning gray in their early years. This is a lifestyle choice that you must change for wellness of your hair color.

6. Mental Stress:

Stress and anxiety take a toll on your hair by causing premature graying. Both emotional and oxidative stress can be blamed for it. When you are hassled, Vitamin B levels considerably fall in your body. Some scientists believe that hair follicles are as vulnerable to stress as our DNA. So, whether you experience oxidative factors or mental worries, stress always makes you look older than you actually are.
If you are also 25 and horrified by the strand of white on your scalp, take it on a serious note before it gets too late. Change your lifestyle or see the doctor. Make a quick decision and work on it at the earliest.
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