Did you get a sunburn? Are you seeking a home remedy that can help you get rid of the problem overnight? Sunburn can be a serious problem, especially if your skin has a tendency to tan very quickly. Long days spent outside or lounging at the beach is like an inevitable call to sunburn. So, how can you possibly get rid of this condition?

This post talks about some home remedies that can help you to get relief from the itchiness and redness of sunburn quickly. Would you like to know what those remedies are? Keep reading this post.
How To Get Rid Of Sunburn Overnight?
1. Coconut Oil And Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy
Here are the things you will need:
Healing The Sunburn:
This is the extended part of the first method.
Usually, for a light to medium sunburn, you will get overnight results. For a really bad sunburn, you may need to repeat the treatment twice or thrice. Moreover, depending upon the sensitivity of your skin, the effect may vary.
2. Black Tea Soak
Black tea is known to contain lots of phytonutrients and antioxidants that have immense healing power . Here are the things that you will need:
3. Lemon Juice, Rose Water, And Cucumber Pack
It is very easy to prepare this pack, as all the ingredients are easily available in your kitchen closet. Cucumber and lemon are two natural bleaching agents and are effective in lightening the redness caused due to sunburn. Lemon juice is also rich in citric acid and vitamin C , which are helpful in lightening the tone of the skin. Vitamin C neutralizes the damage caused due to the free radicals to the skin, and its powerful antioxidants help to lighten the age spots, tan and dark spots. But when you are using the lemon juice and cucumber remedy, make sure that you do not go directly under the sun for some time as it can increase your sensitivity to the sun rays. If at all you have to go out, use a sunscreen with high SPF.
The rosewater and cucumber juice work as cooling agents and soothe the blemished skin.
4. Honey And Papaya Pack
Papaya contains skin-benefitting enzymes that help heal the sunburn faster (3). The papain enzyme in the papaya lightens the skin and helps to remove the sunburn, thereby reducing the visibility of blemishes and scars significantly. Other enzymes present in papaya renew and exfoliate the skin. Honey is known for its nourishing, healing, softening and moisturizing properties.
You can use any of the above remedies to treat sunburn overnight. However, make sure that you check for allergies or sensitivities for any of the ingredients, or else instead of getting relief from sunburn, the application might increase the symptoms of redness and itchiness. It is advisable to use pure organic products for best and quick results.
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