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Tips for postpartum hair loss / How to avoid hair loss after delivery


If you are experiencing sudden hair loss after the birth of your child, know that you are not alone. 30% to 50% of women reports of excessive hair loss postpartum. However, at the same time there are also the lucky new mothers who do not actually experience this shedding of hair. In fact, the extent of postpartum shedding of hairs is widely varied between women but the phenomenon is quite common. Many women start experiencing this excessive hair loss as quickly as one month after the delivery, whereas some women can start experiencing this shedding 3-4 months after the birth of the baby. First let us take a look at the reason of postpartum hair loss,

Reasons of postpartum hair loss

Human hair follicles have three phases in its life cycle. The first phase is the growth phase, when the hair grows out from the hair follicles and the last phase in the life cycle is the resting phase, when the hair follicles go into a dormant stage and the hair shaft is shed. This cycle is natural and continuously some of the hair follicles continue going into the dormant phase which causes the regular normal hair fall.
However, during pregnancy, the hormonal balance of the body is changed and the pregnancy hormones deter the hair follicles from going into the resting phase, which results into minimum to no shedding of hairs during pregnancy. Many women reports that they gained much hair during their pregnancy, and this is particularly because the pregnancy hormones stop the shedding.
As soon as you have delivered the baby, slowly, your body starts to get back to its normal stage and the hormonal levels also come down. As soon as the effects of the pregnancy hormones are gone, the hair follicles which were prevented from getting into the resting phase during the pregnancy start going into dormant condition all together. As more number of hair follicles goes dormant at the same time hence more hairs are shed, often causing thinning of hairs and even bald patches on the head.
The good news is that, normally the hairs lost postpartum are grown back on their own with time, but you need to ensure that your body is not going through any deficiencies or illness that might resist in the normal growth of the hairs. So, if you are experiencing postpartum hair loss, we known it can be really depressing, but be sure that if you take the proper care, all the lost hairs and even more can grow back within a year.

Some important tips to manage postpartum hair loss

Do not stop taking vitamin supplements postpartum to control hair loss

After delivery, the body of the mother goes through a number of changes and in order to ensure that you are actually able to cope up with these changes properly it is important to ensure that you take all your vitamins regularly. So, after your delivery, do not stop the pre-natal vitamins, talk with your doctor and ask to adjust them according to your current needs.

Opt for a healthier food habit after delivery to control hair fall

Keep it in mind that your food habit has a lot to do with your hair loss and hair regrowth. So, when you are experiencing postpartum hair loss it is really important that you ensure that you take the right food that is good for your health. Including more leafy vegetables and protein rich foods in your regular diet can be a real effective step to manage postpartum hair loss. Also stop living on junk foods and keep an eye on what you eat.

Do not skip on physical exercise to ensure better hair health after delivery

Physical exercises increase the blood flow in your body and they can be an effective way to get back to a physically fit condition. Exercises can be helpful to ensure better nourishment for your hairs too, which might not stop the postpartum hair loss but will surely prepare the perfect condition for quick growth of new hairs. However, every exercise might not be suitable for you during this time, so if you are planning to start with an exercise regimen first discuss with your doctor. Otherwise, you can take up simple physical exercises like walking, running and jogging regularly along with simple free hand practices.

Catch adequate sleep for quick healing after delivery

After delivery your body is still in recovery stage and during this time you actually need to catch adequate sleep to ensure that your body can heal quickly. It might be really difficult for the new moms to get sufficient sleep, but you need to arrange your lifestyle in a way so that you do not have to suffer from lack of sleep which can deter the healing process. Proper sleep helps the body in getting back to its normal healthy stage quickly, which can also mean growing back of the hairs quickly.

Avoid hairstyles that place stress on the hair roots to control postpartum hair loss

One of the important tips that you can easily follow to ensure less hair loss postpartum is to opt for hairstyles that do not place any stress on your hair roots. Even a high tight ponytail can place enough pressure on the roots to cause the follicle to shrink and the hairs to fall off. So, take care to not to harm your hairs more with your hairstyle particularly when you are already experiencing heavy postpartum hair loss.

Try to minimize the use of chemical based hair treatments to control postpartum hair loss

The chemical based hair treatments, starting from hair coloring to perming and others are not actually very healthy for the hairs. These chemical based ingredients along with heat can easily work to add to the postpartum hair fall. So, try to stay away from chemical based hair treatment during this span, so that these chemicals do not add to the cause of the hair fall.

Take care of your hairs after delivery to control postpartum hair loss

If you are experiencing heavy postpartum hair loss it does not mean that you should stop taking care for your hairs, rather it is the time when you should take the best care of your hairs to ensure that the new hairs can grow back really quick. Supplying the hair follicles with a good dose of protein by using effective hair masks and keeping your scalp free from any infections like dandruff and itching can be actually helpful to get back your lustrous locks quickly. Here are some easy homemade treatments that you can use to ensure quick hair growth after postpartum hair loss,

Egg and banana hair mask for postpartum hair loss control and regrowth

This nourishing hair mask can be ideal to ensure that your hair follicles get all the nourishment they need to get back to their active phase quickly. The egg and banana hair pack is filled with protein and vitamins which can be very helpful to fight any kind of scalp or hair dryness promoting proper scalp health for growth of new hairs.
Take an egg and whisk it properly in a clean container. Now take an over ripe banana and smash it to make a smooth paste. Mix the two well and ensure that there are no chunks left in the mixture. Now apply this pack all over your scalp and hairs and let it set for 1 hour covering your head with a shower cap. Wash off with a mild cleanser and plenty of water.

Aloe vera and honey for a problem free scalp, postpartum

Aloe Vera and Honey both have extreme nourishing properties and they actually soothe the scalp. Honey is also a natural anti-bacterial agent and Aloe Vera ensures proper hydration of the hairs and the scalp fighting off any kind of dryness. The Vitamin E content of Aloe Vera also helps in boosting the growth of new hairs.
Collect fresh Aloe Vera pulp from Aloe Vera leaves. Take 3 spoons of this pulp and mix it with 3 spoons of honey. Now apply this pack onto your scalp and hairs and let it sit for 30 minutes covering with a shower cap. Wash off with plenty of water. Use a mild cleanser only if required.

Fenugreek seeds with curry leave for quick hair growth after delivery

Fenugreek seeds have high arginine content which can boost the hair roots to get back to their active stage quickly. Curry leaves on the other hand have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can ensure a problem free scalp. Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds and 12-15 curry leaves in fresh water over night. In the morning grind the leaves and the seeds together to make a smooth paste. Apply this pack directly onto your scalp and let it set for 30 minutes, without letting it get dry. Finally wash off with plenty of water. You need not to use a shampoo after using this treatment.
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