On Friday, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump took a victory lap of sorts – after competing in a fairly collegial GOP debate – and called for the primary debate season to come to a close.
'It would be nice to finish off with this one,' he said of the confab held the night before. 'It was just a really nice way to finish off the debate season.'
But today Fox News Channel made it official announcing yet another GOP primary debate was scheduled for next week and would be moderated by by Trump's sometimes-nemesis, journalist Megyn Kelly.
Like the most recent Fox News debate, which took place in Detroit, Michigan, Kelly will be joined behind the desk by colleagues Chris Wallace and Bret Baier.
The debate will be held next Monday in Salt Lake City, Utah in advance of that state caucuses and Arizona's primary.
It will be the 13th of such gathering, with the debates starting back in August and happening monthly until January hit.
Since then, there have been six – with three debates scheduled back to back in February – and one that has already happened in March.
Fox News has sponsored and moderated three of these confabs, with Kelly front-and-center each time.
The first Fox debate was memorable because it became quickly apparent that Trump had a beef with the female journalist, as she asked him early on about some of his sexist tweets.
Trump famously uttered after the fact that Kelly had gone after him because she had 'blood coming out of her wherever.'
A Kelly-vs.-Trump rematch was scheduled in January just days before the Iowa Caucuses, but Trump – after Fox put out an antagonistic press release that mocked Trump for surveying his Twitter followers – decided to skip the affair.
In an unconventional move in politics, Trump scheduled a veterans fundraiser across town from the debate slotted for the same time.
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