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How to Install WordPress Manually on Server?

Earlier I have explained you How to Install WordPress using Fantastico or QuickInstallservices which are available on few servers. But some of the servers don’t support these services so we need to install WordPress manually. Before starting the installation procedure you need to configure your domain to point your server. You can check out the procedure at

After setting up the Domain Name Servers you can start the procedure to install WordPress.

Steps to install WordPress

First you need to download WordPress source files, you can get the latest version ofWordPress from WordPress.org. Now login into your website CPanel and you can find theFileManager.
Install wordpress manually
Now select the FileManager. This FileManager allows you to access and edit the files of the Website. After selecting the FileManager select the Web Root where you can view all the Web Root files of your website.
Install wordpress manually
Now you can upload the WordPress Source files Zip Archive to the server using the Upload option in the FileManager.
Install wordpress manually
After uploading the Zip file you can uncompress them using the Extract feature which is available in FileManager.
Install wordpress manually
After extracting the WordPress Source files you can now go to your website root like www.yourdomain.com and you’ll automatically redirected to the WordPress Installation Wizard. You need Database to install WordPress so you can create a MySQL Database from the CPanel.
Install wordpress manually
Select the MySQL Databases and create a new Database and New user.
Install wordpress manuallyInstall wordpress manually
After creating the Database and a User add the user to the created database and grant all the permissions which are available.
Install wordpress manuallyInstall wordpress manually
Now you can start the installation procedure going to your root domain like www.yourdomain.com. You can now enter all the database credentials and Admin users details for accessing your WordPress Dashboard. Once the procedure is completed you can access your website and the admin dashboard using the credentials which you have set.
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