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Approaching Tips – How To Approach A Girl Anywhere

Alright, so I’ve been getting lots of emails from readers of SonicSeduction.net about approaching women, or rather, the fear of the approach. Here’s what I have learned from Sonic Seduction throughout the years. Special thanks to Derek Rake for his input.
Let’s fact it. When it comes to approaching girls, the majority of guys tend to freeze up. They look at the girl that they like, get positive contact along with other signs of interest, but then freeze up completely. Without a doubt, approaching a girl is definitely one of the hardest things a guy will ever have to do in order to bag himself a date. So, how can you approach one, then?

Well, the mere thought of going up to a girl brings about various fears, such as the fear of response and the fear of rejection. After all, you have no idea whether a girl will actually welcome your approach or shun it completely.

Fortunately, there are ways out there on how to approach girls that almost always bring about a positive response. Keep reading to find out what you have to do to get the results that you want every time you approach a girl that you like. Call it the fail-proof Sonic Seduction way if you must.😉

How To Approach Women – The Sonic Seduction Approach

Naturally, the first thing that you need to do is a find a girl that you like. The good news is that girls can be found practically everywhere, be it at school, at work, at the gym, in a club, at a bar, or even on the streets
  • The First Steps: Prep For Fractionation

Once you find a girl that you like, make eye contact with her. One of the main reasons why guys get rejected by girls is because they don’t make eye contact with them first. If you don’t make eye contact first, girls may feel vulnerable because they will feel like you snuck up on them when they weren’t ready for it in any way.
After you catch a girl’s attention, show her a slight smile. This smile will be your way to find out if a girl is interested in you or not and whether she is open to being approached or not. If she is open to your approach, she should smile back. If she keeps a blank look on her face after you smile or if she looks away right away, then she probably doesn’t want to be approached. Don’t instantly take it to heart, though. She might just be having a bad day.

If she smiles back, then you have to start focusing on your body language. Body languages happens to be vital if you want to effectively approach a girl and succeed in your endeavors in the end. A lot of guys approach girls with their shoulders slumped and their nerves stuck in their throats. Unfortunately, girls can sense when guys are nervous and are most likely to reject them if they are. Remember: girls love confident guys, so be confident! Here are some handy tips on how to boost your confidence.

Watch out for body language. If she smiles back, then she's interested too.
 Watch out for body language. If she smiles back, then she’s interested too.

  • Getting Into Seduction

To start your conversation, just say something simple like “Hi” and ask for her name. After that, the conversation should flow on its own if you have mastered fractionation. Remember to build up sufficient rapport with her before using fractionation – otherwise you’ll just sound like a weirdo.

When you use fractionation, remember to “stack” your conversation topics and give her both emotional ups and downs when you talk to her. Again, all the preparatory work you 

Whether things go smoothly while you talk or not, be proud that you were able to approach a girl to begin with. All you have to do from here is keep working on your confidence levels. With more practice, you should be able to hit it off with any girl of your choice in no time.


There are other tips on how to approach a girl that you should remember, too, though. You have to get your fashion sense and your overall appearance under control, for instance. This means dressing nice, grooming yourself properly and finding the perfect image for you.
Some guys may like to suit up every time they go out, while others may prefer the bad boy look. Then there are guys who look great in preppy outfits and those who look best with goth attire. If you have no idea what looks good on you, try getting some advice from your female friends and relatives. Or, better yet, test out different kinds of styles yourself and see what you feel most comfortable in.
Either way, your look, fashion sense and overall image will either get more girls to talk to you or scare more of them away. Now, this doesn’t mean that you won’t get positive results for having a great personality; but if you pay more attention to your looks, you will definitely be more successful in the end.
A lot of guys like to believe that looks don’t matter in the dating department, but they definitely do. If girls don’t find your looks acceptable, then you won’t have a chance with them. It’s as simple as that. Fortunately, you can improve how you look with ease. All you have to do is put some effort and thought into the process.

So, get out there and look for a style that suits you to a tee. If you can’t find one, then rest easy knowing that suits always get positive results for guys, no matter what. If you really have no idea how fashion works, then try looking to other fashionable men for inspiration, ask sales people to help you out or use fashion as a conversation starter whenever you approach a pretty girl.
Another easy way to get better at approaching a girl that you like is to look for guys who are already successful with girls and asking them questions for more information. Find out what works for them and what they do in order to get the results that they want.

men fashion
Women like men who dress well. 
Find a fashion style that suits you best.

The trick here would be finding nice guys who succeed in the dating game, get the results that they want and are willing to share their inside information with you. You can either ask random guys at a bar what they do, or ask your friends for help. You can also turn to real experts who live their lives seducing women left, right and center!
Regardless of where you decide to look for a mentor and whether you pay for the information that you get or not, it would really help to get mentors in order to truly succeed in approaching the girls that you like. If you know these fundamentals of dating, you’ll never go wrong. After all, you can be guided into learning the most effective ways to master the art of approaching girls with them….

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