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Homemade Face Packs For Healthy Skin – Get Fair, Natural Glow in Skin

Homemade Face Packs For Healthy Skin

Face packs when applied properly can give you an immediate result. Apart from these face packs, you should always take care of your diet. Water is a vital component for healthy and glowing skin that helps in keeping it clear and glamorous by flushing out the harmful waste products and toxins from the body. Fruits also make an important part of healthy skin diet, and you can check out our best kiwi smoothie recipes article on this. There are a lot of benefits of Acupressure points, which will keep your skin healthy and fit. We are writing about few face packs for healthy skin, which will get you instant glow to your face when applied.
Homemade Face Packs For Healthy Skin

Main Causes of Skin Damage

Before getting on with the face packs for glowing skin, let us take a look at some of the dominant causes of skin damage that we tend to overlook.
Sun exposure – The harsh UV-A and UV-B rays of the sun are the greatest enemies of the skin. Over exposure to the sun rays can lead to dull and dark skin and appearance of the signs of skin aging like age spots, wrinkles and freckles. Nautral remedies are the best option to soothe and remove sunburn and skin tan.
Regular and over make-up – The chemicals present in make-up makes the skin rough and dry and in other cases it can increase sebum production and lead to pimples and acne.
simple homemade remedies for pimples
Stress and pollution – Chronic stress takes a heavy toll on skin and makes it highly sensitive and prone to pimples, acne, rosacea and other skin problems.
Late nights – There must be a reason why the 8 hours of sleep is also known as beauty sleep. Getting enough restful sleep every night can provide glowing skin naturally. Lack of sleep on a daily basis can affect the skin by making it puffy, pale, ashen and accentuate under-eye dark circles.
Intake of regular oily and junk food – Regular intake of oily, fried, junk and processed foods fails to provide the necessary nourishment to skin and slows down the immune system so that the skin appears shallow, excessively dry or excessively oily.
Consumption of drugs and alcohol – Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and addiction to drugs overload the skin with toxic chemicals that causes serious damage to the skin.
Hormonal Disorders – The reduction in the level of estrogen leads to skin wrinkles and dullness whereas the increase in the level of testosterone leads to a breakout of pimples and acne.
Dehydration – One of the most important natural tips for glowing skin is drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Water helps in keeping the skin glowing and elastic, whereas dehydration promotes the appearance of wrinkles and dullness because the skin cells lose their turgidity.

5 Skin Types

Though many of our skin look alike, the skin is basically classified into 5 types. They are:
Normal skin – You are blessed if you have normal skin type. This skin type is neither too dry nor too oily, with no severe sensitivity, small skin pores and a bright complexion.
Oily skin – This skin type is characterized by over-active sebaceous glands and enlarged pores that lead to excessive oil production. Oily skin is more susceptible to acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and other blemishes.
Dry skin – This skin type is marked by lack of moisture in the topmost layer of the skin that results in tightness and in severe cases even flaking. Dry skin appears dull and lifeless with accentuated wrinkles and fine lines.
Combination skin – This skin type is a combination of oily and dry skin, some parts of the face like forehead, nose and chin is oily whereas the skin around the eyes and cheeks are dry. Therefore, the dry parts and oily parts require different skin care.
Sensitive skin – This is not a skin type, rather symptoms that are the result of various factors. Skin is described to be sensitive if it shows frequent signs like redness, itching, inflammation, burning or dryness due to topical application of any skin care product.

Homemade Face Packs For Healthy Skin

Different face packs have to be followed based on your skin type. Here is some homemade face packs for healthy skin, which will give wonderful results. The best thing about using these natural face packs is that there are absolutely no side effects.
Normal Skin Type:


Face Packs for This type of skin will be smooth, bit dry and will be a pimple free face. It is a good type of skin. Here are some of the natural face packs for normal skin type.

Face Packs for Normal Skin:

Fruit Face Pack

Fruits are loaded with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential for natural glowing skin making it a perfect remedy for almost all skin types. Mix equal amounts of ripe papaya, mangoes and yogurt and apply the mixture on your face, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water. This is undoubtedly the simplest DIY face mask for glowing skin. The enzymes in papaya help in removing dark spots and blemishes and helps in improving complexion, whereas the vitamin C in mangoes helps in promoting cell regeneration and removing skin dullness. Yogurt is a natural moisturizer and gentle bleach that enhances skin tone and lightens skin tanning.
papaya, mango fruit face pack

Multani Mitti

Multani mitti or Fuller’s Earth is an age-old home remedy for healthy and glowing skin and it has been used for centuries for skin care. The combination of Multani mitti and honey is undoubtedly the best face pack for normal skin that helps in adding a healthy glow to it without stripping away the natural oils. Take 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl and mix together, add some rose water to the mixture to turn it into a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face and wait for 20 minutes and wash off with water.
Multani Mitti and Aloe Vera Gel Pack

Milk Protein Pack

Milk is undoubtedly the best natural moisturizer that nourishes and soothes the skin in an intensive manner. This is an amazing homemade face pack for normal skin that contains the goodness of milk along with almonds, aloe vera and honey – all of which are extremely beneficial for providing clear glowing skin. Take 2 tablespoons of milk and add 1 teaspoon each of almonds paste, pure aloe vera gel and honey to it, mix well and apply it on clean face. Wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Milk protein face pack

Sandal Pack

Sandalwood is yet another natural home remedy for skin problems that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for treating various skin issues. No doubt, sandalwood and sandalwood oil is widely used in various skin care products. This is undoubtedly the best face pack for normal skin that is easy to prepare and doesn’t get too messy. Take 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and mix it with rose water so that it forms a thick consistency, add a few drops of almond or olive oil to it, mix well and apply on clean face, wait for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with water.
Sandal wood and Rosewater Face pack
After washing away the face-pack, it is better to apply a good moisturizer. This will nourish your skin and keep it healthy.
Oil Skin Type


Oily skin is caused due to overactive sebaceous glands and open skin pores, which continuously spread oil outside. People with this kind of skin type can suffer from chronic pimples and acne. Check out these face packs for oily skin using natural ingredients.

Face Packs for Oil Skin:

Bengal Gram and Egg White Pack

The benefits of Multani mitti for skin need no new emphasis. It works as an effective skin toner and shrinks the open pores, which in turn reduce oil production. Gram flour acts as a natural skin exfoliator and removes dead cells and dirt from the skin surface. The natural oil controlling properties of egg whites makes it an important ingredient for this face pack for oily skin. Take one tablespoon each of Multani mitti, gram flour, honey and egg white and mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that it forms a thick paste. Apply this paste on clean skin, wait for 20 minutes and wash off with water. This is by far the most effective and refreshing homemade facial for oily skin.
Bengal Gram and Egg White face Pack for oily skin

Tulsi, Mint and Orange Peel Face Pack

Both tulsi and mint are well known for their cooling and astringent properties that helps in soothing the blemishes and inflammation associated with pimples and acne. These ingredients also help in reducing excess oil production of the skin. Orange peel is loaded with vitamin C that helps in keeping skin healthy and glowing and delays the appearance of skin aging. Take a handful of mint and tulsi leaves and crush them to form a smooth paste, add a tablespoon of orange peel powder to it, mix well and apply the pack on clean face, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Tulsi, Mint and Orange Peel Face Pack for oily skin

Turmeric and Rice Flour Face Pack

The benefits of turmeric or holy powder for health and skin are well known, and it is one of the most important Indian skin remedies that have been used in Ayurvedic treatment for centuries. Rice flour works as an effective natural scrub the help in opening up the skin pores clogged by dead cells and dirt. Take a tablespoon of rice flour and add a teaspoon each of turmeric powder, honey and cucumber juice to it, mix well to form a thick consistency, add some more cucumber juice if the mixture is too thick. Apply the face pack on clean skin, wait for 20 minutes and wash off with water.
Turmeric and Rice Flour Face Pack for oily skin

Tomato, Cucumber and Honey Face Pack

The use of tomato and cucumbers for dark circles is well known. The powerful astringent properties of tomatoes help in reducing the excess oil and sebum from the skin surface and shrinking the size of the open pores, thus, making it one of the best ingredients for treating oily skin. Cucumber juice helps in rejuvenating skin and enhancing the complexion. Extract the juice of cucumber and tomatoes and mix 1 tablespoon of each in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to it, mix well and apply on clean face, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
tomato mask
Dry Skin Type

Face Packs For Healthy Skin

Dry skin type will lack moisture on the skin surface. This leads the skin to be more dry and dull.  Since a lot of people suffer from dry skin problem, you can observe their face to have wrinkles at an early age. Applying these natural face packs for dry skin will certainly reduce the effect of wrinkles and moisturize the skin naturally.

Face Packs for Dry Skin:

Banana and Honey Face Pack

Bananas are an amazing fruit that is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C and E, potassium, zinc, manganese and iron – all of which help in maintaining healthy and glowing skin. It is an effective natural moisturizer that moisturizes and rejuvenates excessive dry skin and prevents dullness. Honey is a natural humectant that captures the moisture within the skin cells and prevents moisture loss from the skin surface. This is the best homemade facepack for dry skin. Mash 1 ripe banana and add 1 teaspoon each of honey and olive oil to it, mix well and apply the paste on clean face, wait for 20 minutes and wash off with water.
Banana, Honey and Olive oil face pack for dry skin

Yogurt and Rose Face Pack

Yogurt is a deep nourishing natural moisturizer that soothes and moisturizes dry skin effectively. The lactic acid present in yogurt smoothens dry and rough skin and prevents premature skin aging. It helps in dissolving the dead skin cells and reduces the dullness of the skin. Mix 2 tablespoon of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey and a few rose petals, blend well and apply on clean face, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Yogurt and Rose Face Pack for dry skin

Almond and Milk Face Pack

The benefits of almond milk for skin make it a popular ingredient in skin care products. Almonds are loaded with health benefitting nutrients, and it is a rich source of healthy fats and vitamin E- both of which are extremely beneficial for treating dry skin. Milk is the best natural moisturizer that soothes dry and flaky skin and makes it smooth and flawless. This is an easy to make homemade face pack that you can prepare in a jiffy. Mix 1 tablespoon each of milk, almonds paste and honey in a glass bowl, apply the mixture on clean face, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Almond and Milk Face Pack for dry skin

Avocado Face Pack

Natural beauty tips for glowing skin are incomplete without the inclusion of avocados into it. Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids – oleic acid that moisturizes the skin in a nourishing manner and keeps in hydrates. It addition, it is also a rich source of antioxidant carotenoids, vitamin C and vitamin E that protects the skin from the damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. Scrape out the flesh of half avocado and add 2 tablespoons of honey to it and blend well to turn it into a smooth paste. Apply this face pack on clean skin, wait for 30 minutes and wash off with water.
Avocado Face Pack for dry skin
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