Once upon a time, I had this unruly thick, frizzy, mid-length hair. I’m talking the kind of hair that made me cry every day, the one which took hours to style, in short, a total nightmare.
And then one fine day, I decided to go for a makeover and got a sleek, easy-to-manage hair I always wanted. But what followed after that was limp, dry and damaged strands that I hated. My hair became my enemy, and I quickly realized that going natural with hair was the only way to bring my hair to life again. While it took some time and effort and I got back my healthy hair.
And then one fine day, I decided to go for a makeover and got a sleek, easy-to-manage hair I always wanted. But what followed after that was limp, dry and damaged strands that I hated. My hair became my enemy, and I quickly realized that going natural with hair was the only way to bring my hair to life again. While it took some time and effort and I got back my healthy hair.
So, if you want Straight hair but do not want to ravage your locks with harsh chemicals, just follow these tips that I followed and get fabulous sleek tresses with ease!
How to straighten hair naturally:
These methods will not give you a miraculous change but will definitely make your hair 100% smoother and straighter.
Banana and Papaya mask:
Take few bananas and mash it together with a papaya. Now add a spoonful of honey to it and apply it on your hair. Keep the mixture on your hair until it’s completely dry. Once done, wash your hair and then blow dry in a downward motion.
Coconut Cream and Lemon Mask:
This works wonders for my hair. Just whip some coconut cream with lemon juice and apply to your hair. Use a natural shampoo and thoroughly cleanse your hair to remove the mixture. After wash, your hair will look much straighter.
Straight Irons Galore:
Here are some tips on how to straighten hair at home with a straight iron!
Permanent hair Straightening:
Permanent straightening is a difficult and delicate process to do at home; a person who is confident and determined enough can manage though.
So, here were our top recommendations to achieve straight hair at home. Let us know if you’ll be incorporating any of these products or remedies into your regimen on our comments box below.
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