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Bored? 4 Things To Do When You Have Extra Time

We all fall into a funk sometimes. We all sometimes think to ourselves, “What am I doing with my life?” or, “I have no motivation to do this.”
When we think these things, it can discourage us or make us feel like we’re wasting our time. The truth of the matter is, however, that we are just plain bored. We have reached the end of our attention span and need to spice it up. There’s nothing wrong with us, we just need to go do something!
You’ve already taken the first step to relieving your boredom by finding this article — congratulations! The next steps are vitally important, so read on for four things to do when you have extra time.


I know everybody hates being told to “go exercise” or that they “need to exercise more.” Maybe, if you’re a teenager or child still living under your parent’s roof, you know the feeling of “Now that you’ve told me to do it, I don’t want to do it.”
Well, I’m not your parent and I can’t force you to do anything, but it would be a good idea. You might even consider looking into different sports. Once you learn about all the different benefits of sports and physical conditioning, you may never want to stop.

Grocery Shop

Grocery shopping is a great thing to do to help relieve boredom. People can never have too many ingredients to make great food for themselves or their families throughout the week. Your family and friends would love to come home to dinner and treats made just for them! You could even deliver some treats to your neighbors just to share your spoils. Plus, there is nothing better than wandering through the grocery store and finding new exotic foods to try out.

Buy A New Book

Whether or not we admit it, we all like to read. Whether it’s online or holding a physical book, our brains yearn for the knowledge and entertainment that books hold. Why not try going to your local book store or finding an ebook that you can start reading today? You could even go to the children’s section of the library and try to find old books that you remember from your childhood. By doing something like this, you keep your mind sharp and stay super entertained. Reading is a great pastime!

Try An Online Class

The internet is an amazing thing. There are so many classes available to take online. Why not try something different, like a foreign language class or something challenging like online engineering? It takes brain power and will do you good in your efforts to relieve your boredom and better your knowledge as a human being. Taking online classes is a great way to further your education and use your time wisely. It is always a good idea to do everything you can to keep your mind sharp and on top of things. Taking classes online is definitely something that is worth your time.

But Seriously…

There is definitely nothing worse than being bored. As soon as you feel yourself starting to get bored, try to remember these simple suggestions! You never have to stay bored. Get out there and do something — anything! There are many ways to relieve boredom and these are only a few. You can find a new hobby to throw your time at, and maybe even develop a passion that you never knew you had.

I hope that I helped to alleviate even a little bit of that nagging feeling of boredom that we all have grown to hate!
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