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How To Make Money As An Artist

As an artist everything we create, paint and bring into form generally feels like magic and this unique feeling is a personal satisfaction that is owed to no one but is ours as creators. To share this with others who in return admire and appreciate our work gives us even a greater sense of purpose and achievement. So why not make your art your business?
Start to build your foundation by researching and filtering as much relevant information from others is the main tip to any artistic ventures. Seek support from those who have done it for themselves and who are willing to share their knowledge.
It may be naturally a little out of your comfort zone to want to treat your art as a business and you would prefer to just leave it to the experts or galleries to represent you. This is ideally what every artist would want and deserve however it is no longer the only way for an artist to achieve success and it is rather healthier for you to take control and be in charge of where your creations should be flourishing.
Taking baby steps is how you would want to start and these are some of the simple ways where you can achieve momentum to building yourself an empire. It may not be your typical business plan but as a simple layout, when followed it can give you great results and remember to keep it simple and maintain your own unique style of artistic endeavours.

1. Write and map out your branding

It will be good for you to start here by writing in pencil and tweaking it until it feels right and resonates with you as an artist very much like when you start on an art project. Never mind the number of times you may have to rewrite, the important part is to start and like a beta test be prepared for trial and errors until you find what works for you.
Think of a brand name or use your original name and make it stand out with a difference. The privilege you have as an artist is that ideas come to you faster than they do to most people so use that skill in your business ideas.

2. What are you selling?

This may seem obvious but you may be surprised to know that it takes more than a pretty picture to sell art. Your audience want value to what your art represents so make it a story they can relate to and have an emotional connection with. It all says in the name of your creations for example the name Blush would naturally relate to women and femininity or Gold Prosperity would relate to Feng Shui and good luck that appeals a lot to the eastern culture.
On a tangible note be clear to what form of material you are selling meaning are you going to repeatedly paint the similar piece and sell your originals or are your prints at a greater chance of reaching wider.

3. How, where and who?

These are your priorities, so it is important like with all other businesses to have a plan in action. Once you have your name and type of art product you obviously want to start selling but how and where are you going to deliver this and who are your fans. If you have never sold your art or feel like this is an intimidating process, then start by giving it away for free and that is how you test your market and responses.
Start making art for the people closest to you and it will give you the confidence you need to gradually exchange your product for money. In the mean time you can take it a step further and build your fan base on social media by taking pictures of your art and getting yourself exposure. You will be very pleased to see your target market growing when people like what they see.

4. Tips to making pocket money

It is costly to hire a professional photographer to take photos of your art and digitally display it on your website or use for merchandise printing on platforms like etsy and zazzle so the easiest thing to do for starters is to paint your creations on a smaller canvas and take it to your local printers or if you have a good machine then scan, upload and print it in poster sizes.
You may need your friends and family who are good with digital to help you with image resolution and colour enhancement etc. Go to an online printers and find the best bargains for postcards and t shirts then wear it or carry it in a transparent file folder and observe people’s eyes getting drawn to something beautiful and delivered live by the artist.

5. Grow as an individual and develop into an expert artist

Keep evolving your art and business when you want to make money and if you are like me a visual learner then utilise as much social media platforms that have video courses and tips. Find your inspiration within your life stories and as an artist and creative person you would know this at first hand.
We are co-creators simply conveying a story in our paintings so expand by also getting involved with your locally funded council or school hall that encourages artistic professional development. Do what it takes to be the best you can be as a person whose life purpose is that of an artist because “a true artist inspires” (Salvador Dali).

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