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Dear Grandma, Thank You For These Beauty Secrets

Approaching Grandma for beauty tips might not be the very first thing you would think of doing. But she was probably way more innovative and knowledgeable in her time about finding ways to keep herself beautiful. The best part about her methods is that they are totally natural and organic. 
We tend to underestimate the stuff on the kitchen racks. But they are indeed safer and better than commercial cosmetics, and work like magic! The cherry on the cake is that they are inexpensive as well. So here is a list of 10 beauty tips, straight from Grandma’s diary. They are sure to work wonders for you!

1. The Golden Herb – Turmeric

Turmeric is an ancient beauty remedy. It has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties that work together in covering up scars and marks and also help in fighting and preventing acne. It also makes the skin brighter and fairer over time. Easily available in every Indian kitchen, turmeric is a must add to your facemask.

2. Bleach Your Skin With Lemon & Cucumber

Chemical bleaching and tan removal is definitely not a thing of the past. However, our grandmothers used to use a mixture of lemon juice and cucumber juice to get rid of dirt and tan. Both these juices have natural bleaching agents that work better than any chemical possibly can.

3. Acne Dismissal With Lemon

Pimples are definitely a cause for worry. Especially when they decide to pop-up a day before an important event. Grandma says – squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a container and add equal amounts of water to this juice. Now, using a Q-tip, dab the mixture onto the acne. The anti-bacterial properties of lemon will not just help you get rid of the annoying pimple but will also leave you with a clear, bright complexion.

4. Potatoes To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Grandma says that potatoes work extremely well to alleviate the dark circles and eliminate the puffiness. All you need to do is slice a raw potato, give it a quick rinse, and place it under your eyes for about 5-10 minutes. You will notice the difference instantly.

5. Honey For A Golden Complexion

While most of us are now replacing sugar with honey (natural sweetener), our Granny used to use it as a face mask. And proof has it that it can give you a beautiful golden glow. Worth a try!

6. The Magic Of Gooseberries

If you want your hair to be long, thick and black, Grandma advises adding some fresh gooseberries to your diet. It has vitamin C and a whole lot of other nutrients. Eat them to get the hair you always wanted! What’s best is that it is known to reduce hair fall and curb dandruff.

7. Fenugreek For Long Strong Tresses

Grandma says that soaking a handful of Fenugreek seeds overnight, blending them the next morning, and applying it as a pack for your hair, will make your hair extremely strong. Fenugreek contains protein and nicotine acid that enhances hair growth. The potassium in it helps to avoid premature greying. The Lecithin in it strengthens the hair.

8. Carrot Juice To Avoid Greying

Grandma says that drinking carrot juice every day can help you prevent premature greying. It has a plethora of nutrients (essential vitamins and minerals) that nourishes the hair and body. It’s also awesome for your eyes!

9. Fresh Cream To Treat Dry Skin

Grandma used to apply this as a cold cream back in her time. Fresh cream is the healthiest remedy to get soft, supple skin.

10. Gram Flour To Combat Oily Skin

Grandma says that gram flour hampers the production of sebum in the skin. She would use it as a replacement for harsh soaps and clean her face using a paste of gram flour and water or milk. You should try it too!
Using Grandma’s tips will surely make you replace the commercial, chemical-based products with Granny’s natural therapy products. Do give it a try and let us know how it fared for you. And don’t forget to thank Grandma!
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